Thursday, February 15

Lab 5 Deliverables

1. finger- the finger command looks for someones general information to use put "finger someones network name" This is not a DOS command.
2. cal- the cal command is short for calender. It brings up a calender of any month or year desired, to use put "[[month]year]. This is a DOS command.
3. cd /- the cd / command goes to the root or starting point of Steel, to use put "cd /". This is a DOS command.
4. ls- the ls command is a command that lets one view everything inside the entire root they are working in , to use put "ls". This is a DOS command.

For chapter 6 in Andy Clark, he starts out by talking about the significants of a slugs trail. He states that the web operates in much the same way as a slug trail in that when information is transferred it leaves a trail. This trail can then be used over and over again until a pattern emerges.

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